Same Day Loans are a necessity in emergency conditions and people need to avail of the same when situation arises which is beyond the control of the human being. Normally when people need cash, they either meet the demand through friends, relatives or colleagues. There are people who do not have any such contact in an unknown city for which they need to approach banks, financial institutions in order to meet their requirement. Same Day Loan are also an option that can be availed by persons who are in emergency need of Same Day Loan. In this modern age of economy, plastic money are in use and most of the outlets accept this type of transactions and we see that all public and private sector banks, financial institutions give their customer the option of credit cards and debit cards to their customers. Here at DirectLoans, we take care of our customers by carefully reviewing every paratemetr of their requirements and quickly processing all their applications.


It has been noticed that most of the salaried or non salaried persons use cards for conducting any type of transactions as it saves them from the problem of carrying cash to buy grocery, clothing or any type of articles that is required. The payment period provided by the different financial institutions in this type of transactions are to the extent of 45 days and so if the customer pays back the transaction amount within that period of time he does not need to pay any interest or the interest amount is very less. These cards are given to valued customers without any fee or to customers who apply for the same are given at a chargeable fee.


The banks or the financial institutions provide the user a pin number along with the card which also empowers the customers to withdraw Same Day Loan from any ATM counter. The customer has the power to withdraw that much amount of cash permissible within the card limit. The credit card of every banks and financial institutions has the credit and cash limit mentioned in their bill and also provided in details to the customer while issuing the card. The rules and regulations details are given when the card is issued to the customer and the details if not paid in time are mentioned along with the same.
The charges for Same Day Loan that are levied in a credit card ranges from Rs. 250 to Rs. 750 for a single transaction and if not paid in time, the charges gets increased as financial charges are calculated over and above the amount due for the customer. The Same Day Loan charge fee differs from bank to bank and the rate is highest in the case of private banks and they give big amount of cash limit to their customers. The cash and credit limit depends on the sole discretion of the bank and they give it to the customer as per their own norms and regulations created. The public sector banks are more stringent in providing the limit as they do not levy too much freedom regarding cash and credit limits to their customers.


The Same Day Loan loans are the Same Day Loans that charge the highest to their customers for which they needs to think before availing such a loan. The Same Day Loan loans not only charge fee for every cash transaction but also charge interest overall on the total amount due which comes to a big amount. The fees and the interest charged becomes more than the Same Day Loan availed by the customer. There should be lot of thoughts put forth before going for Same Day Loans and needs to be availed only when there is no other option.